Wildcard expansion is performed by `make' automatically in targets and in prerequisites. In recipes, the shell is responsible for wildcard expansion. In other contexts, wildcard expansion happens only if you request it explicitly with the `wildcard' function. The special significance of a wildcard character can be turned off by preceding it with a backslash. Thus, `foo\*bar' would refer to a specific file whose name consists of `foo', an asterisk, and `bar'.
目的和前提条件里的通配符扩展由 make 来自动完成。在片段里,shell 负责完成对通配符的解释。在其他上下文中,仅当你显式地使用了 wildcard 函数的时候才会发生扩展。
通配符可以通过前置反斜线关闭,因此 foo\*bar 会被解释成 文件名为 foo * bar 。